Form 6

Learn 7 Christmas songs and Christmas vocabulary: 

1.How many days of Christmas? -
2.Santa Claus is Coming to Town -
3.Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
4.Jingle Bells
5.We Wish You a Merry Christmas
6.Silent Night Holy Night
7.White Christmas


Dear students,
 Do your H/W in your work-book. Then take a photo of your            work and send it  to this email:
Виконай письмове завдання. Потім сфотографуй роботу та надішли мені              на цю ел. адресу -
Увага! Не забудь написати своє їмя, щоб мені було зрозуміло, чия це робота. Тема листа - дата дом. роботи, номер та сторінка вправи.
Ці завдання ти також можеш знайти на сторінці нашой групи на блозі вашого класу - 6А - 

 6Б -


Річна оцінка по предмету буде складатися з оцінки за 1 семестр, оцінки за 2 семестр, яка виставляється за період до 12.03 та підсумкової оцінки з дистанційного навчання. Середній бал за трьома параметрами і є річною.

Якщо немає змоги надсилати роботи електронною поштою, можете надати свої роботи в зошиті або на інших паперових носіях, залишивши їх у чергового школи з 25.05 по 05.06 з 9.00 до 12.00.

Тож, у період до 05.06 можна доздати або перездати ту чи іншу роботу.
Увага ! Перездати семестрову контрольну роботу не можно, а здати - так!!!

Якщо з якоїсь причини учень буде не атестований,учитель складає для нього індивідуальний план на літо і у вересні приймає залік.

Dear students,
learn new words and practise your vocabulary. You can listen to the pronunciation of the words online and then do the exercises.
👉 Access the complete A–Z of the vocabulary topics here:

#16 - 21/05/2020 - Test for the II semester

ІІ semester Final Test has 2 parts: #1 - Reading (3 tasks)
                                                           #2 - Writing  (3 tasks)
Do all the tasks in your workbook, take photos and then             send them to my email.

Attention!!! 21/05/2020 - Test for the II semester!!!

#15 - This is your H/W for 18/05/2020:
1. Write down the words from Ex. 1 p. 171 into your vocabularies.  Complete the sentences with the words  - orally - Ex. 2 p.171.
2. Read the text Ex. 3 p. 172 and do  the test to it - Ex. 4 p. 172 orally. 
3. Read the text Ex. 3 p. 172 and write about the continent about which there was no information in Ex. 4 pp. 172-173Ex. 6 p. 173 in writing 

#14 - This is your H/W for 14/05/2020:
1. Write down the words from Ex. 1 p. 178  into your vocabularies/ Match the pictures(A-I) to the activities.
2. Do Ex. 4 p. 179 orally
3. Do Ex. 6 p. 180 in writing

#13 - This is your H/W for 07/05/2020:
1.Look at the chart and talk about the pupils - What school subjects do they have on these days of the week? - Ex. 1 p 163 orally
2. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues  - Ex. 2 pp. 164-165
3. Do Ex. 3 p. 165 and Ex. 5 p. 166 in writing

#12 - This is your H/W for 04/05/2020:
1. Write down the words from Ex. 1 p. 160  into your vocabularies/ Match the sentences(1-6) with the pictures(A-F).     Watch this Video lesson:(time:00-05.30)
2. Read the text Ex. 3 p. 161 and do  the test to it - Ex. 4 p. 161 in writing. 

#11 - This is your H/W for 30/04/2020:
1. Read the dialogues - Ex.2 p.155
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 155 in writing

#10 - This is your H/W for 27/04/2020:
1. Write down the words from Ex. 2 p. 152 into your vocabularies.  Complete the sentences with the words  - orally.
2. Read the text Ex. 3 p. 152-153 and do  the test to it - Ex. 4 p. 153 orally. 
3. Write a letter to your friend about some interesting place(s) you  visited in Ukraine last year.  -  Ex. 6 p. 154 
 Watch this Video lesson:

#9 - This is your H/W for 24/04/2020:
1. Write down the words from Ex. 1 p. 149 into your vocabularies/ Match the sentences(1-6) with the pictures(A-F). 
2. Write down the word - combinations from Ex. 4 p. 150-151 into your vocabularies. Complete the dialogue with the ideas from the table -  p. 151
3. Do Ex. 5 p. 151 in writing

20.03 - понеділок після Великдня - вихідний день 

#8 - This is your H/W for 17/04/2020:
1. Complete the phrases - Giving directions and write down the words from Ex. 2 p. 146 into your vocabularies -
 Watch this Video lesson (time:09.20-14.51) - 
2. Do Ex. 3 p 147-148 orally
3. Read  the text Ex.4 p. 148 and do the test to it in writing: complete the text with the words from the box. 

#7 - This is your H/W for 13/04/2020:
Read the text Ex. 1 p. 143 - 144 and   answer the questions in writing

#6 - This is your H/W for 09/04/2020:
1. Write down the names of famous places in Kyiv  from Ex. 1 p. 140-141 into your vocabularies/ Match the names of famous places with the pictures(1-7). 
2. Read the text Ex. 3 p. 141-142 and do  the test to it - Ex. 4 p. 142 orally. 
3. Write a letter to your friend who is going to visit Ukraine.  -  Ex. 6 p. 142  

#5 - This is your H/W for 06/04/2020:
1. Read the text Ex. 2 p. 138 and do  the test to it. 
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 139  - Answer the questions in writing
Watch this Video lesson:

Spring Holidays - 28/03-05/04

#4 - This is your H/W for 26/03/2020:
1. Read and order the paragraphs to build a text - Ex.2, p.134
2. Answer the questions in writing: Ex.3, p.134 

          #3 This is your H/W for 23/03/2020:
1. Read the text and do exercises in writing in your exercise-books:

#2 - This is your H/W for 19/03/2020:
1. Write down the words from Ex. 1 p. 130 into your vocabularies/ Match the words with the pictures. 
2. Complete the dialogue with the questions - Ex. 3 p. 131
3. Do Ex. 6 p. 132 in writing

#1 - This is your H/W for 16/03/2020:
1. Write down the grammar rule into your vocabularies - Grammar Lab p. 129
2. Do Ex. 6 p. 129 in writing

Dear students,
Watch these 2 videos and enjoy seeing the sights of London:
#1 -
#2 -

This is your H/w for 17/02/2020:
1. Read the text Ex. 2 p. 101 and do Ex. 3 p 101 in writing
2. do Ex. 5 p. 101 in writing

This is your H/w for 10/02/2020:
1. Read again the text of Ex.3 p.96-97 and get ready to answer the questions of Ex. 4 p. 97 orally.
2. Write the phrases from Ex.3 pp.98-99 into your vocabulary.
3. Read the text Ex. 4 p. 99 and do Ex. 5 p 99 in writing
4. do Ex. 6 p. 97 in writing


Dear students, 
This is your H/W for 08/04-14/04: 
№1  Read and do the tasks orally -  Ex.1 and 2  p.138-139. Do Ex.3 p. 139  - answer the questions in writing 
№2  Do  Ex.1-3 p.140-142 orally and Do Ex. 4 p. 142 in writing.

This is your H/w for 26/03/2019
Watch the film - This is London and write  about the the places of interest that the people visited in London -

H/W for Monday 04/02 2019:
1. Read the text Ex. 2 p. 89 and Do Ex. 3. p. 90 in writing
2. Read Ex. 3 p 96 and do Ex. 4 p. 97

Here is your H/W for Monday 29/10/2018:

1.Watch «Shops and Shopping»-
Write down all new words into your vocabularies.
2. Write down all new words into your vocabularies -  Ex. 1.p 38
3.Do Ex.2,3 p.39 and Ex.5,p.40 - orally
4. Do Ex. 6 p.41 and Ex.8 p.42 in writing


Dear students,

Watch the film - This is London and write  about the the places of interest that the people visited in London -

This is your H/w for Monday 12/02/2018:
1. Use the Internet and read about the places of interest in London which are mentioned in Ex. 1 a, p. 120; then do Ex. 1 b orally.

2. Read the texts  -  Ex. 2, p. 121;

3. Do Ex. 3, p. 121 in writing.

This is your H/w for Tuesday 06/02/2018:

1. Get ready for the dialogue about travelling. Write questions -  Ex. 2, p. 115;

2. Do Ex. 4, p. 116 orally;

3. Do Ex. 5, p. 116-117 in writing.

Here is your H/W for Monday 23/10/2017:
1. Watch «Shops and Shopping»-

2. Read the dialogues Ex. 1 on page 43 

3. Answer the questions in writing - Ex. 2, p. 43

4.Complete the conversation - Ex. 3, p. 43-44

5. Write an email to your parents - Ex. 5, p.44

Just for fun:  «Peppa Pig goes Shopping »

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