Form 8


Dear students,
Listen to Prince Charles reciting the poem  -
 "MY HEART'S IN THE HIGHLANDS" by Robert Burns  and learn it by heart:
or try this  audiobook -

and then enjoy listening to the songs: 
4. -


II semester:

Dear students, 

Do your H/W in your work-book. Then take a photo of your            work and send it  to this email:

The subject of your e-mail - The date of the H/W and the number and the page of the                  exercise.

NB! you can also see the tasks on your class blog -


Річна оцінка по предмету буде складатися з оцінки за 1 семестр, оцінки за 2 семестр, яка виставляється за період до 12.03 та підсумкової оцінки з дистанційного навчання. Середній бал за трьома параметрами і є річною.

Якщо немає змоги надсилати роботи електронною поштою, можете надати свої роботи в зошиті або на інших паперових носіях, залишивши їх у чергового школи з 25.05 по 07.06  з 9.00 до 12.00.

Тож, у період до 07.06 можна доздати або перездати ту чи іншу роботу.
Увага ! Перездати семестрову контрольну роботу не можно, а здати - так!!!

Якщо з якоїсь причини учень буде не атестований,учитель складає для нього індивідуальний план на літо і у вересні приймає залік.

Увага!!! Оцінки на кінець року дивись на блозі класу.

Dear students,

Before your summer holidays start, read the following articles from British council  about different ways of  improving your language skills:

22/05/2020 - II Semester Final Test:
Task 1 - Reading - HERE
Task 2 - Use of English - HERE
Task 3 - Writing - HERE
Attention!!! 22/05/2020 is the Final II Semester test!!!

#26 - This is your H/W for 21/05/2020:
Read and Revise grammar rules - pp.196 - 214. 
Get ready for the Final II Semester test.

#25 - This is your H/W for 19/05/2020:
Write the words into your vocabularies  - A Guide to British and American
Culture- pp.190-195

#24 - This is your H/W for 15/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of James Baldwin and answer the questions  - Ex.1                               p.182(orally)
2Write the words into your vocabularies p. 183 and do Ex. 2 p 184/5(orally)
3. Read the story "I Make a Long Journey"  pp. 183-184 and do Ex. 6 p.186                         (orally)
4. Do  Ex.11 p 187 and Ex.12 p.187 in writing

#23 - This is your H/W for 14/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of Lensey Namioka and answer the questions  - Ex.1                             p.173(orally)
2Write the words into your vocabularies p. 174 and do Ex. 2 p 177(orally)
3. Read the story "In the School Orchestra"  pp. 174-176 and do Ex. 11 p.180                       (orally)
4. Do  Ex.13 p 180 and Ex.16 p.181 in writing

          #22 - This is your H/W for 12/05/2020:
1. Answer the questions  - Ex.1 p.168(in writing)
2Write the words into your vocabularies p. 168 
3. Read the story "The Reader of Books"  pp. 168-170 and do Ex. 13 p.172 (orally)
4. Do  Ex.14 p 172 and Ex.16 p.172 in writing

#21 - This is your H/W for 08/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of Roald Dahl and answer the questions  - Ex.1 p.162(orally)
2Write the words into your vocabularies p. 162 and do Ex. 4 p 164(orally)
3. Read the story "Miss Honey"  pp. 163-164 and do Ex. 12 p.166 (orally)
4. Do  Ex.13 p 168 and Ex.15 p.167 in writing

#20 - This is your H/W for 07/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of Mark Twain and answer the questions  - Ex. 1 p. 154(orally)
2Write the words into your vocabularies p. 155 and do Ex. 2 p 158(orally)
3. Read the story "How I edited the Agricultural Paper"  pp. 155-157
4. Answer the questions   Ex.5 p 159 and Do Ex. 15 p. 161 in writing

#19 - This is your H/W for 05/05/2020:
Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. Tell him/her about the Ukrainian              culture and lifestyle+ about the traditions in the place where you live - Ex. 6,7 p.  152

Happy International Workers' Day !!!

#18 - This is your H/W for 30/04/2020:
1. Do Ex. 2 and 3 p. 150 in writing
2. Do the test  - Ex. 4 p.150

#17 - This is your H/W for 28/04/2020:
1. Do Ex. 1 p. 150 in writing
2. Read the text and do the test to it - Ex. 5 p.151

#16 - This is your H/W for 24/04/2020:
Do Ex. 6 p. 148 in writing            

#15 - This is your H/W for 23/04/2020:
1. Read the text   - Ex. 2 p, 147-148
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 148 in writing

#14 - This is your H/W for 21/04/2020:
Write a letter to your English-speaking friend about famous landmarks in the place you live - Ex. 7 p. 146

#13 - This is your H/W for 17/04/2020:
1. Read again the grammar rules Articles:A/An-The pp.198-199
2. Do Ex. 5 p. 146 in writing

#12 - This is your H/W for 16/04/2020:
 Read the grammar rules Articles:A/An-The pp.198-199 and write them down into your vocabulary in Ukrainian.(Write down the examples in English, of course)

#11 - This is your H/W for 13/04/2020:
1. Read the text and match the paragraphs(1-5) with the most suitable headings from the list (A-F) - Ex.2 p. 143-144 + do Ex.4 p.145-146 orally
2. Do Ex. 1 p. 143 in writing

#10 - This is your H/W for 10/04/2020:
1. Read the text - Ex.4 p. 141-142
2. Do Ex. 5 p. 142 in writing

#9 - This is your H/W for 09/04/2020:
1. Read the grammar rules The Indefinite Pronounce pp.138 and write them down into your vocabulary in Ukrainian.(Write down the examples in English, of course)
2. Do Ex. 3 and 4 pp. 138-139 in writing

#8 - This is your H/W for 06/04/2020:
1.Do Ex.1-2, pp.134-136 - orally
2. Do Ex. 3 and Ex. 5 p.135- 136 in writing

Spring Holidays - 28/03-05/04

#7 - This is your H/W for 27/03/2020:
1. Read, translate and write down the grammar rule into your vocabularies - page 133
2. Do Ex. 4 p. 133 orally
3. Do Ex. 6 p. 133 in writing

#6 - This is your H/W for 26/03/2020:
1. Using Google translator learn how to pronounce the geographical names
Ex.1, p.131
2. Read and translate the text then do the test to it - Ex.2 p. 131-132
3. Do Ex. 3 p. 132 in writing

#5 - This is your H/W for 23/03/2020:
1. Read and do the test + translate the dialogue - - Ex.2-3 p. 128-129
2. Do Ex. 4 p. 129 + Ex. 5 p. 130 in writing
3. Do Ex. 7 p. 129 + Ex. 8 p. 130 in writing

#4 - This is your H/W for 20/03/2020:
1. Do grammar Ex. 5 p. 127 in writing.
2. Write mini-essay about your favourite season - Ex. 6 p 127

         #3 - This is your H/W for 19/03/2020:
1. Write the words into your vocabularies Ex. 2 p, 126  + the phrases from the text  -Talking about the weather -  p, 127
2.Read and translate the dialogue - Ex. 3 pp. 126-127
#2 - This is your H/W for 16/03/2020:
1.Read and answer the questions in writing about yourself and your friend -                 Ex. 4 p, 125
2. Do grammar Ex. 5 p. 125 in writing

        #1 - This is your H/W for 13/03/2020:
1. Read and translate the text  into Ukrainian - Ex. 2 p, 124
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 125 in writing

Dear students,

This is your H/W/ for 17/02/2020:

1. Read Ex.3, p. 91 and do the test.
2. Ex. 5,p. 91 - match the parts of the phrases and write them down into your vocabularies, translate them into Ukrainian.
3. Answer the questions in writing - Ex. 4 p. 91
This is your H/W/ for 10/11.02/2020:
 Prepare your presentation and get ready to speak  - Ex. 5, p. 111( you can write and speak about one of those composes. Use phrases of Ex. 3 p 111 as a plan)

This is your H/W Task 1
 - Watch this video and make notes  - the words and phrases about music
 into your vocabulary:

English conversation about Music – Type of Music, Phrases & Expressions :

Task 2 - 
Watch the video 

Musical Instruments - Orchestra instrument - English educational video

and write down the words  about musical instruments and musicians!


II semester:

Dear students,

Listen to the weather forecast and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills:

Watch the film and mind the pronunciation of all geographical names mentioned in Ex 1 at page 131 -

This is your H/w for Tuesday 13/02/2018:
Speak about the role of music in your life ( base your speech on your essay "Music is a part of my world' in which you used ideas from Ex. 6,p. 92 and phrases from Ex. 5,p. 91

This is your H/w for Tuesday 06/02/2018:

1. Read Ex.3, p. 91 again.

2. Ex. 5,p. 91 - match the parts of the phrases and write them down into your vocabularies, translate them into Ukrainian.

3. Write an essay "Music is a part of my world': Use ideas from Ex. 6,p. 92 and Phrases from Ex. 5,p. 91
Additional task for you:
Listen to the song 

Boney M - Let It All Be Music (Lyrics) 

1.and say why music is important for us  -

2.and now sing along with the singers  -

3.and now sing along without seeing  the lyrics
4. an now sing on your own -

extra -

The best way to enjoy music

I love listening to music and will try to do it as much as I can. Whether I'm driving my car or walking somewhere I always have a CD or my iPod playing because I feel music can greatly influence your mood. I can listen to music to cheer me up or relax me or remind me about a certain time and a certain place where I last listened to that song. 
My favourite way however and I feel the best way to listen to music is live! I absolutely love going to concerts to watch and hear my favourite artist or band perform. The last concert I went to was a Mumford and Sons concert in Newcastle, a country-folk style band from the UK. The atmosphere was incredible and a lot of hard work had gone into the stage and making sure all of the lights and sound effects not only sounded good but also looked good. I always feel that people come together at gigs (another word for a music concert). You can find yourself easily talking to people you might never have talked to before, just because they share an interest in a particular music artist. 
I also find that at concerts many artists or bands may do a slightly different version of their song. They might speed it up or slow it down or play it acoustically. Sometimes they might cover someone else's song so I feel that the live performances really show you a new way to listen to music. I enjoy concerts because although you might be watching your favourite band or artist, you usually always discover something new and different because of the way it is played live.
I would therefore recommend that everyone goes to a concert, at least once, to experience their favourite music in a new and interesting way. I find that by seeing something live you can see how much effort and hard work goes into things so it always makes me appreciate my favourite artists more. I know I certainly couldn't do what they do and who knows maybe you will even make a few new friends along the way too!

Have you ever been to a concert? What's the best way for you to enjoy music? 

Watch the concert  Eurovision Song Contest 2017 - Grand Final - Live and write a concert review - 


    Review Writing Guide:
1. Explain what event it was and when it took place;
2. Describe the place where the concert was held and write a few sentences about the stage and the scenery;
3. Write about the singers who participated in the performance/contest;
4. Write about the audience - how did it react to the singers' performance?
5. Describe your impressions: write what you like/dislike about the show;
6. Write your recommendations to your friends;

N.B!  Use as many  words from Ex. 2,p. 104 as it is possible.

Watch the video 

Musical Instruments - Orchestra instrument - English educational video for kids

and write down the words  about musical instruments and musicians!

English conversation about Music – Type of Music, Phrases & Expressions :

and write down the words and phrases about music!


I semester:

Dear students,

Watch the video about British Media -
and be ready to speak on the topic.

Date of videoconference: November 17, 2017
Time (GMT): 11 AM
Duration of videoconference: 60 minutes
Age of Students: 12-14
Module: Essentials of Dialogue - Festivals

Participating Schools: Aga Khan Academy Mombasa (Kenya), Shostka Secondary School #7 (Ukraine), and Romny School #7 (Ukraine)

The overall objective of the VC is for the students to engage directly with one another in reciprocal dialogue to learn about one another’s cultures and beliefs. 

Discussion points:

  1. The favorite festival of each student and an explanation on WHY this festival is especially significant for the student and the community. 
  2. The connection between the festivals that the communities celebrate and the values, faith and beliefs that the students and the communities they belong to, hold.

Dear students,
Listen to Prince Charles reciting the poem  -
 "MY HEART'S IN THE HIGHLANDS" by Robert Burns  and learn it by heart:

or try this  audiobook

and then enjoy listening to the songs: 
2. -
4. -
5. -

Dear students,
here is your H/W for Tuesday 24/10/2017:

1. Ex.8, p. 65 Write what you enjoy reading. Use the word combinations from the box.

2. Ex.3, p.67 Read the text and do the tasks to it.

3. Read the grammar rules The Passive voice pp.207-209 and write them down into your vocabulary notes

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